Contact Us

EU VAT Action Team
We are a group of volunteers working on behalf of the hundreds of thousands of micro businesses and sole traders, across the EU, who will be hit hard by the new EU VAT rules on January 1st 2015.

We are not affiliated to any company or body and are passionate about giving you a voice – and helping you to take inspired, informed action.

If you need to contact us, please use the contact form, below, in the first instance. For press enquiries, please mark your message ‘PRESS’ at the beginning of the first line of your message and we will prioritise responding to you. We are available for interviews, but many of the questions you have may well already be answered in our Media section, our FAQs section and in our Resources.

Thank you so much for caring. You can find out more about the individual members of the EU VAT Action team by clicking on the author profile below each article.

Media & Politician Enquiries only : (UK +44) 1342 477057

Email: euvat @


I’m new to EU VAT: what are the key facts?

I’m digging deeper: Frequently Asked Questions

The rules apply to me: what now?