Spread The Word

Although this legislation has been in the pipeline for six years or more, it came as a massive shock to many thousands of the smallest businesses in the UK in November 2014 – just a month before it comes into force. The vast majority of those affected, in the UK and the rest of the EU, are still unaware of it. Even the payment processors and 3rd party sales platform were caught out.
We urgently need to raise awareness about the facts, rather than the myths. Here are some ideas of how you can help:

Spread The Word - Be An EU VAT Superhero!

Could You Be An EU VAT Superhero?

The Twitter Storm in late November kick-started the EU-wide awareness of the new EU VAT rules. We need to keep spreading the word.

If you’re into Twitter and Facebook, here are some ideas for how you can help.


Firstly, let’s connect. You’ll find us at: @euvataction.

Then let’s do the hashtags again – they have been brilliant for connecting people, spreading the word and getting media attention.

Now that our primary aim is to raise EU-wide (and worldwide) awareness, rather than just within the UK, we’re now using the hashtag:


Of course, the other hashtags are also brilliant – pick whichever best fits your post:


And here’s how you could add a ‘Twibbon’ to your profile picture – a diagonal banner to raise awareness of VATMOSS.


We’ve set up a page on Facebook to share the latest updates – here’s where you can find it and ‘like’ it.

And if you want to join in the discussions, we strongly recommend joining the EU VAT Action group. You’ll find we’re a friendly bunch!

VATMOSS on PinterestPinterest

Some of those affected by the new EU VAT rules have been getting creative and pinning to Pinterest and Instagram.

How You Could Help

Please spread the word about this campaign, about why the rules are so crazy for the smallest businesses, and letting people know the many positive things they can do.

And one fab thing you can do is to tell people when you have written to your MP – your friends in businesses are so much more likely to do it, too, if they know you have!

Stuck for inspiration? Here are our top tips for taking action now.

And if you have any brilliant ideas, please let us know via the comments.
Thank you!